Friday 24 June 2016

Blue Chips Recovery: Which Stocks have the Highest Potential Upside Based on Their Previous Highs?

In a recovering market, whether from a bear market or market crash, blue chips or index stocks are usually the first to bounce back. So what I did is to gather data for the PSEi stocks with the aim of identifying which among them are the worst hit this year. I also determined their potential upside based on their prices during PSEi's previous highs in 2015, 52-week high, and 2015 closing price. 

For the PSEi previous highs, I selected the following dates as reference:
10-Apr-2015 -- On this date, PSEi reached its highest level for 2015 (8127.48 points).
27-Oct-2015 -- On this date, PSEi reached its highest level after the 24-Aug-2015 sell-off (7325.76 points)

Please note that for the YTD, the 22-Jan-2016 closing price was used in the computation. 

The computation for the potential upside values were based on the following:
Upside 1 -- 29-Dec-2015 and 22-Jan-2016 closing price
Upside 2 -- 27-Oct-2015 and 22-Jan-2016 closing price
Upside 3 -- 10-Apr-2015 and 22-Jan-2016 closing price
Upside 4 -- 52-Wk High and 22-Jan-2016 closing price

I tried to get the Top 5 stocks based on their potential upside values. 2 stocks always made the list: MEG and BLOOM.

Want a copy of the xls?  Just drop me a message. :)

The analysis posted is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as a recommendation to buy or sell a particular stock.

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