Friday 24 June 2016

Free Stock Price Calculator (Mobile and Excel Versions)

I would like to share stock price calculators that I've created and have been using since 2012. For the mobile version, there are 2 options: Single Buy - Single Sell (similar to the Excel version), and the Single Buy - Multiple Sell. The latter allows you to input 3 selling prices and shows the potential gain or loss for each selling price. You can use the 3 selling prices to input 3 resistance points. You can also use it to specify the cut loss price and target price, as well as determine the breakeven price (via trial and error).

Usage of the calculators is very simple regardless of whether you're using the mobile or  Excel version. You just have to specify the number of shares you plan to buy, your target buy price and sell price. The net profit and net gain (%) will be calculated automatically. Details of the buy and sell charges will also be shown.

Single Buy - Single Sell (mobile), Single Buy - Multiple Sell (mobile), Single Buy - Single Sell (Excel)

Mobile Version

To be able to use the mobile version, you need to install the powerOne calculator app from the Apple Appstore or Google Play. The formula that I'll provide works even on the free version (but in the free version, only one custom formula can be added, so I suggest that you add the Single Buy - Multiple Sell Stock Price Calculator since it will still work even if you specify one sell price only).

Single Buy - Single Sell Calculator

Single Buy - Multiple Sell Calculator (1 of 2)

Single Buy - Multiple Sell Calculator (2 of 2)

Below are the steps to add the formula:
1. After opening the powerOne app, tap the Add (+) option.

2. In the New/Edit screen, type the name of the calculator, e.g., Stock Price Calculator.

3. Tap the Equation option. This is where you will copy-and-paste the formula provided below.

Formula for Single Buy-Single Sell Stock Price Calculator:
"No. of Shares" "" shares,0 ::
"Buy" "" buy,4 ::
"Sell" "" sell,4 ::
"Profit" "" readonly hideequals profit,2,gain:ta_s - ta_b ::
"Gain (%)" "" readonly hideequals gain,2:(profit*100) / ta_b ::

"Payment Details (Buy)" ::
"Gross Trade Amount" "" readonly hideequals gta_b,2,comm_b:shares*buy ::
"Commission" "" readonly hideequals comm_b,2,vat_b:if(0.0025*gta_b < 20; 20; 0.0025*gta_b) ::
"VAT" "" readonly hideequals vat_b,2,psetf_b:0.12*comm_b ::
"PSE Transaction Fee" "" readonly hideequals psetf_b,2,sccpf_b:0.00005*gta_b ::
"SCCP Fee" "" readonly hideequals sccpf_b,2,ta_b:0.0001*gta_b ::
"Total Amount" "" readonly hideequals ta_b,2:gta_b+comm_b+vat_b+psetf_b+sccpf_b ::

"Payment Details (Sell)" ::
"Gross Trade Amount" "" readonly hideequals gta_s,2,comm_s:shares*sell ::
"Commission" "" readonly hideequals comm_s,2,vat_s:if(0.0025*gta_s < 20; 20; 0.0025*gta_s) ::
"VAT" "" readonly hideequals vat_s,2,psetf_s:0.12*comm_s ::
"PSE Transaction Fee" "" readonly hideequals psetf_s,2,sccpf_s:0.00005*gta_s ::
"SCCP Fee" "" readonly hideequals sccpf_s,2,st:0.0001*gta_s ::
"Sales Tax" "" readonly hideequals st,2,ta_s:shares*sell*0.005 ::
"Total Amount" "" readonly hideequals ta_s,2,profit:gta_s-comm_s-vat_s-psetf_s-sccpf_s-st ::

Formula for Single Buy-Multiple Sell Stock Price Calculator:
"No. of Shares" "" shares,0 ::
"Buy" "" buy,4 ::
"Sell 1" "" sell1,4 ::
"Sell 2" "" sell2,4 ::
"Sell 3" "" sell3,4 ::

"Profit" ::
"Profit 1" "" readonly hideequals profit1,2,gain:ta_s1 - ta_b ::
"Profit 2" "" readonly hideequals profit2,2,gain:ta_s2 - ta_b ::
"Profit 3" "" readonly hideequals profit3,2,gain:ta_s3 - ta_b ::

"Gain" ::
"Gain 1 (%)" "" readonly gain1,2:(profit1*100) / ta_b ::
"Gain 2 (%)" "" readonly gain2,2:(profit2*100) / ta_b ::
"Gain 3 (%)" "" readonly gain3,2:(profit3*100) / ta_b ::

"Payment Details (Buy)" ::
"Gross Trade Amount" "" readonly hideequals gta_b,2,comm_b:shares*buy ::
"Commission" "" readonly hideequals comm_b,2,vat_b:if(0.0025*gta_b < 20; 20; 0.0025*gta_b) ::
"VAT" "" readonly hideequals vat_b,2,psetf_b:0.12*comm_b ::
"PSE Transaction Fee" "" readonly hideequals psetf_b,2,sccpf_b:0.00005*gta_b ::
"SCCP Fee" "" readonly hideequals sccpf_b,2,ta_b:0.0001*gta_b ::
"Total Amount" "" readonly hideequals ta_b,2:gta_b+comm_b+vat_b+psetf_b+sccpf_b ::

"Payment Details (Sell 1)" ::
"Gross Trade Amount" "" readonly hideequals gta_s1,2,comm_s1:shares*sell1 ::
"Commission" "" readonly hideequals comm_s1,2,vat_s1:if(0.0025*gta_s1 < 20; 20; 0.0025*gta_s1) ::
"VAT" "" readonly hideequals vat_s1,2,psetf_s1:0.12*comm_s1 ::
"PSE Transaction Fee" "" readonly hideequals psetf_s1,2,sccpf_s1:0.00005*gta_s1 ::
"SCCP Fee" "" readonly hideequals sccpf_s1,2,st1:0.0001*gta_s1 ::
"Sales Tax" "" readonly hideequals st1,2,ta_s1:shares*sell1*0.005 ::
"Total Amount" "" readonly hideequals ta_s1,2,profit1:gta_s1-comm_s1-vat_s1-psetf_s1-sccpf_s1-st1 ::

"Payment Details (Sell 2)" ::
"Gross Trade Amount" "" readonly hideequals gta_s2,2,comm_s2:shares*sell2 ::
"Commission" "" readonly hideequals comm_s2,2,vat_s2:if(0.0025*gta_s2 < 20; 20; 0.0025*gta_s2) ::
"VAT" "" readonly hideequals vat_s2,2,psetf_s2:0.12*comm_s2 ::
"PSE Transaction Fee" "" readonly hideequals psetf_s2,2,sccpf_s2:0.00005*gta_s2 ::
"SCCP Fee" "" readonly hideequals sccpf_s2,2,st2:0.0001*gta_s2 ::
"Sales Tax" "" readonly hideequals st2,2,ta_s2:shares*sell2*0.005 ::
"Total Amount" "" readonly hideequals ta_s2,2,profit2:gta_s2-comm_s2-vat_s2-psetf_s2-sccpf_s2-st2 ::

"Payment Details (Sell 3)" ::
"Gross Trade Amount" "" readonly hideequals gta_s3,2,comm_s3:shares*sell3 ::
"Commission" "" readonly hideequals comm_s3,2,vat_s3:if(0.0025*gta_s3 < 20; 20; 0.0025*gta_s3) ::
"VAT" "" readonly hideequals vat_s3,2,psetf_s3:0.12*comm_s3 ::
"PSE Transaction Fee" "" readonly hideequals psetf_s3,2,sccpf_s3:0.00005*gta_s3 ::
"SCCP Fee" "" readonly hideequals sccpf_s3,2,st3:0.0001*gta_s3 ::
"Sales Tax" "" readonly hideequals st3,2,ta_s3:shares*sell3*0.005 ::
"Total Amount" "" readonly hideequals ta_s3,2,profit3:gta_s3-comm_s3-vat_s3-psetf_s3-sccpf_s3-st3 ::

4. Tap Save. That's it, the stock price calculator will now be available when you open powerOne.

Excel Version

If you prefer to use the Excel version, the file can be downloaded here

Note: The parameters for commission percentage, VAT, PSE Transaction Fee, and SCCP Fee are based on COL Financial's settings. So expect the calculated amount to be very close to COL's computation (if ever there's a difference, it's just 1 centavo).

I hope these tools can help you in planning your trades. Good luck!

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